Fantasy Pundit

Enter your Fantasy Premier League's URL into the box below to get a recap of your FPL season. Scroll down to find out how.

Fantasy Pundit is not affiliated with the Premier League. This is purely for fun.
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Here's How It Works

So simple, even a referee could use it without going to VAR

Step One

Log on to the Fantasy Premier League website

Make sure it's through your browser, it won't work on the app. Your league's URL is needed for the commentary generation.

Step Three

Copy the URL

Copy the entire URL of your league and paste it into the box at the top of this page.

Wait a few seconds for the generation, and press play to listen to your league's commentary.

Step Two

Choose 'Leagues And Cups'

Click the league you want to generate a commentary for - the one you're doing best in, obviously.

Step Four

Share With Your League

Click the share button to forward the commentary to your league.

(Or keep it to yourself if the Fantasy Pundit has roasted your performance.)

Got Questions?

We've got answers.

It's Not Working

That's not a question, but fair play. There's a limit to how many commentaries can be generated at once, if it's not working it's probably because the guy doing the voiceovers needs a break.

It's Being Weird

If a Gameweek has just ended, or if a new one is about to start, it can take FPL a moment to reset and update their data. You'll see it on the FPL website with the message : "The game is updating and will be available soon". The commentary might not generate, or some of the stats and rankings will be a little wonky. Check back later and it'll be ready to go.

Why Did The Voice Change?

Generating AI voices is expensive. I've made for this for fun and I've been covering the costs - but if the voice has changed, I've run out of money and have had to switch to a cheaper service.

If you've enjoyed this and would like to keep it running, I'd appreciate any contributions! here.

Got Feedback?

Email me.